Poof's Privacy Policy

Hey there! Welcome to Poof, your go-to for secure, self-destructing notes. Privacy is a big deal, and Poof wants you to feel completely comfortable using this tool. So, let's chat about how your data is handled.

What Poof Does

Poof is a tool that lets you create self-destructing notes. Pretty cool, right? You can add text, to-dos, and even an email for notifications. When you're done, you get a unique URL to share however you like.

How Poof Handles Your Data

  1. Encryption is Key: Everything you put into your note - the text, to-dos, email address - gets encrypted before it's stored. It's like putting your data in a super-secure digital safe.
  2. Temporary Storage: Poof only keeps your data for as long as you need it. Once the note's due date hits or someone opens it (whichever setting you choose), everything related to that note is deleted from the database. Poof! Gone forever.
  3. Backups (Just in Case): Poof keeps backups of the database, but only for a week. These are just for emergencies, like if the system needs to be restored or things need to be moved around. After 7 days, these backups are deleted too.
  4. Email Notifications: If you choose to add an email for notifications, that gets encrypted too. It's only used to let you know when all the to-dos are done. It's not used for anything else, and you definitely won't be added to any marketing lists.
  5. No Lingering Data: Once your note is deleted, so is any associated email address. Nothing hangs around.
  6. Basic Analytics: Poof collects basic analytics data at the hosting level to track things like visitor counts and locations and stop unwanted bot traffic. This data is not stored or used in any way outside of providing usage insights.

Poof's Promise to You

Poof was built because there was a need for a secure way to share sensitive info (like client credentials) with team members. The creator uses it too, so it's been made as secure and privacy-focused as possible.

Poof isn't in the business of collecting or selling data. It's just here to provide a useful, secure service. Your privacy is the priority.

Legal Disclaimers

While Poof strives to provide a secure and reliable service, there are some important points to keep in mind:


If you have any questions about how Poof handles your data, please don't hesitate to reach out. Poof is always happy to chat and provide more details.

Remember, by using Poof, you're agreeing to this privacy policy. But don't worry - Poof is on your side when it comes to protecting your data.

Stay secure, and happy note-sharing!